Let Property works with a wide range of partner firms across the UK to assist with the process of purchasing and selling investment properties. You can see the list of our partner companies below:
Lending Partners
The Glasgow Mortgage Company LTD
Beth Stevenson
Specialist Property Finance
Direct Partnership Contact: Beth@glasgowmortgagecompany.co.uk
0141 248 4677
GO Financial Services
Ewan Dudding
Specialist Property Finance
Direct Partnership Contact: e.dudding@gofinancialservices.co.uk
0800 774 7045
Solicitor Partners
Gilson Grey
Direct Partnership Contact: Alana Arthur, AArthur@gilsongray.co.uk
Strefford Tulips
Direct Partnership Contact: Lyndsay Shearer, l.shearer@strefford-tulips.co.uk
Direct Partnership Contact: Elaine Seamark, conveyancing@swiitch.law
Eviction Partners
Scottish Landlord Eviction Association
Direct Partnership Contact: Jeff, info@slea.co.uk